Tailor-made, transparent training
As our courses are tailored to your objectives and needs, there are no real pre-requisites. For example, if you are a beginner, you will only need to be able to read and write. Or if your aim is to reach an advanced level, you will need either prior knowledge or a significant number of hours to achieve this. Pre-requisites will also be defined when setting up modules with more than one participant to ensure homogeneous levels and objectives. In this case, this will be validated through our prior assessment documents, and even an interview if necessary.
Training objectives and content
As part of our tailor-made training courses, your objectives will be our objectives (once we have agreed them together)! They will be set out in the training programme and reflected in the content. But of course, the content can and should be adapted if necessary during the course, depending on your background.
Once again, everything is made to measure! Of course, you need a certain amount of time to make progress, but everyone is different, and so are your needs and your budget. So we adapt…
Procedures and deadlines
As we do not offer group session schedules but only tailor-made solutions, our access times can be very short! After reviewing with you all the elements we need to process your application, we send you the evaluation documents. As soon as we receive your feedback, we’ll work with you to define the formula best suited to your project. The proposal can then be issued, followed by the contract, and the training course set up very quickly if you so wish, on receipt of your written agreement. A few days may be enough…
NB: On receipt of the signed contract or the financial agreement, the average time taken is 7 days. This period may be extended for people with specific individual situations requiring us to make adjustments to the training program. We draw on our network of dedicated partners to support any language training project.
As an indication, our hourly rate for 1 person for video lessons is €64 excl. tax/hour (€76,80 incl. VAT), and for face-to-face lessons in Sophia-Antipolis area €70 excl. tax/hour (€84 incl. VAT).
For duo lessons, the rate is €75 (€90 incl. VAT) for video lessons and €80 (€96 incl. VAT) for face-to-face lessons.
For groups of 3 - 6 people, the cost will be €90 excluding VAT (€108 incl. VAT) face-to-face only.
For rare languages or other geographical areas, please contact us.
The methods used
Our method is totally learner-centred. Each program is adapted to suit the student, his level, age, language and culture of origin, motivation, objectives and needs.
The priority is to practice the language with a view to communication. This is rapidly made possible by role-playing, mainly oral, and by the gradual acquisition of vocabulary and language structures adapted to the level and needs of the student.
We use a variety of teaching supports, adapted to suit the audience: oral and/or written role plays (e.g. for telephone, conferences, interviews, etc.), debates, press articles (general or technical), oral and written exercises, games, videos, specific manuals, etc.
Our course materials can be photocopies, digital resources (articles, videos, podcasts, websites, etc.), methods or materials created by our trainers, allowing us to vary and adapt the materials completely according to the level, objectives and progress of the learners.
The evaluation
Knowledge is tested during the course by oral and written exercises to validate its acquisition. These vary according to the objectives of the course. A level test is also carried out halfway through the course.
As a general rule, trainees’ skills are assessed by the trainer at the end of the course according to the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), which does not give an overall “mark” but rather a nuanced assessment for each skill area (listening, speaking, reading and writing). This European model also provides greater motivation for learners, who can assess their progress in each area, which is more rewarding than a ‘mark’ for all skills combined.
At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate stating the type of course, what you have learnt and how long it lasted. And depending on your request or the type of funding, we will register you and organise your certification (TOEIC, BRIGHT, CLOE, DELF, PIPPLET, etc.), which will enable you to obtain an external assessment of your skills.
Accessibility for disabled people
As our training courses are generally held by videoconference or on the customer’s site, they are accessible to most people with reduced mobility. Access to our premises for these people is possible by appointment. Our trainers also adapt as much as possible to your constraints or disability, giving priority to the appropriate teaching method (more oral or written).
For any specific situation, we will draw on our network of partners dedicated to disability to support you and guide you as best we can in your project.
In all cases, we are at your disposal to study your project, your objectives and your needs, with no obligation on your part. We look forward to hearing from you!
A completely transparent service
The prerequisites, objectives, duration, access arrangements, fees, assessment… We answer all your questions to ensure that your language training project is a success!